The Dream Dispatch: Ben is already growing a moustache as a birthday present for me

Hey Reader,

Firstly, you might be new around here, so you can read all of the emaiIs from this week here.

I am nearing ever closer to 40 and the only World Book Day I remember dressing up for was when I was about 7, and I went as an Enid Blyton character called Elizabeth Allen, the protaganist (or antagonist) of the series The Naughtiest Girl in the School.

I can't actually remember reading the book, but I know that I dressed up as this character because there is evidence....(of course there is evidence...)

This whole outfit of mine was made from things my mum already had - her old school blazer, my already existing school shirt, a hat from summer hols. In fact, even for Garth's outfit, the only thing she didn't already have was the pirate hat.

Cut to now on TikTok me seeing mums (and probably dads, grandparents, aunts & uncles) staying up way later than planned trying to make giant peaches out of space hoppers and full on Wonderland tea scenes from a cardboard box and some ribbon.

I'm not really sure to what end; I don't have kids so I can't comment on that. But it did get me thinking that one of the biggest resistances I face when it comes to Dream Dashboards is the pure E F F O R T it will take to learn something new, to incorporate it into existing practices and ultimately the fear that it won't fit into the business and therefore won't get used.

But the way I do things is a little differently to how other service pros might do things. I don't have templates and things for you to fit in to. You shouldn't have to buy new just to get what you need.

I create from what you have. I take the raw data, I find solutions from what is already working and I build in a way that will be intuitive for you because you don't need more things to make you stressed.

Just like my mum back in 1993, you have the things; you just need someone to bring it together in a way that works and makes sense. And that person is me.

Anyway; I love fancy dress. More of it please. My best outfit has been an Oktoberfest dress; or maybe when I dressed as a Clockwork Orange guy about 14 years ago.

Should I have an 80s themed 40th? Answers on a postcard. Ben is already growing a moustache as a birthday present for me, just need a gold chain to complete the Magnum PI look...

What's your best costume been? Lemme know


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